Chukwudumebi Gabriel Amadi-Emina, 'Fade Catcher,' 2021; matte inkjet prints mounted on dibond. (由艺术家提供)


McMullen Museum exhibition explores the dynamic forces influencing 17 contemporary African diaspora artists

考察搬迁动态力量的展览, 安置, and assimilation that shape the artistic practices of a group of 17 contemporary African artists, and informs the discourse on identity construction within the African diaspora, 将于今年秋天在电子游戏软件的麦克马伦艺术博物馆展出. 

形成的状态, 展出至12月8日, is curated by Fitsum Shebeshe and produced by Independent Curators Inter国家 (ICI). 艺术家, 移民到美国或者是第一代出生的人, 在过去的三十年里在这里生活和工作过吗.

The McMullen is the first New England venue to host the traveling exhibition of twenty-eight works across mediums including painting, 摄影, 雕塑, 安装, 和视频, which express the different ways in which identity is remade and reimagined. 

 Kearra Amaya Gopee,神器#3:Terra Nullius

Kearra Amaya Gopee,“神器#3”:Terra Nullius(视频剧照),2019. 由艺术家提供.

形成的状态 展出著名艺术家Chukwudumebi Gabriel Amadi-Emina的作品, Kearra Amaya Gopee, 阿瑞亚Kibrom, Nadia Ayari, Vamba性, Elshafei Dafalla, Masimba Hwati, Chido约翰逊, Miatta Kawinzi, 朵拉王, Helina Metaferia, Nontsikelelo Mutiti, 伊冯Osei, Kern撒母耳, 阿玛雷Selfu, Tariku Shiferaw, 和Yacine Tilala Fall. 

艺术家 relocated from twelve countries in Africa and one in the Caribbean—埃塞俄比亚, 加纳, 象牙海岸, 肯尼亚, 利比里亚, 毛利塔尼亚, 尼日利亚, 塞内加尔, 塞拉利昂, 苏丹, 特立尼达和多巴哥, 突尼斯, 和津巴布韦——根源在美国各个城市, 包括底特律, 洛杉矶, 纽黑文, 纽约, 和华盛顿, DC.

“The McMullen Museum and 电子游戏软件’s 非洲和非洲侨民电子游戏正规平台项目 are pleased to present the recent work of seventeen outstanding artists, all of whom have been members of the African diaspora in the United States,南希·内泽说, 就职典礼罗伯特·L. 朱迪斯·T. Winston Director of the McMullen Museum and a BC professor of art history. 


Nontsikelelo Mutiti, 'Everything Is Where It Is Expected,' 2019 (Photo: Natasha Hatendi)

尽管在各种各样的媒介中练习, these artists are united in the important questions their works probe about the role of relocation in reimagining hybrid identities and a sense of belonging. Such questions are fundamental to the liberal arts education at 电子游戏软件 and, 特别是, to the pedagogy and research of our faculty in African and African Diaspora Studies. We look forward to engaging the community in productive dialogue sparked by these inspired works of art.”

The exhibition is arranged in three groups: artists whose relocation prompted aesthetic transformations by incorporating hybrid elements into their work; artists who share their experiences from their country of origin within their current communities; and artists who build bridges connecting the African diaspora to the United States in their practice. 形成的状态 aims to contribute to conversations on identity construction in the face of relocation and 安置, exemplifying how diaspora artists navigate the interplay between ancestral African heritages and prevailing American cultural paradigms.

“The 非洲和非洲侨民电子游戏正规平台项目 was particularly drawn to the way the exhibition showcases core elements of our program,卑诗大学历史学教授兼项目主任洛蕾尔·塞姆利说. “Like our courses, these works reveal the global nature of the African diaspora. The tension between transformation and belonging emerges because the African diaspora is ‘everywhere’ yet often erased,她补充道。.

“艺术家 approach this phenomenon by engaging across multiple subjects including history, 社会学, 政治, 视觉及表演艺术, 文学, 等. 类似的, 非洲侨民电子游戏正规平台将不同学科纳入对话, 通常通过创造性地使用材料和方法. We certainly hope that students make those deeper connections between African diaspora studies courses and the themes of the exhibition. 然而, we think it is more important for our students and the broader BC community to take the time to experience this artwork, 用他们的心和思想.”


Miatta Kawinzi,《电子游戏正规平台》,2021年. (图片来源:Miatta Kawinzi)

形成的状态 是在我自己移居美国的过程中诞生的吗,展览策展人菲瑟姆·舍贝什说, 谁从亚的斯亚贝巴搬来的, 埃塞俄比亚, 以巴尔的摩, 马里兰, in 2016. “This exhibition allows for further understanding of not only my own experiences, 但是那些艺术家. By analyzing both the unique aspects and commonalities together with 电子游戏软件’s global and local communities, we can reimagine together how we think about how identity is continually shaped and reshaped.” 

据Shebeshe说, through relocation he gained firsthand knowledge of the weight of cultural assimilation and encountered a range of existential questions that shaped his relationship to institutions and culture. He also realized he was viewed as belonging to a minority and developed a newfound awareness of the profound impact 埃塞俄比亚’s traditional and conservative culture had on his sense of individuality.

He found kinship among cultural practitioners from the African diaspora who shared his experience, 把这些艺术家团结在一起 形成的状态. 尽管他们各自的艺术方法和经验各不相同, each seeks to reconceptualize a hybrid culture formed from real and imagined genealogies: cultural, 种族, 国家, 地理归属. 形成的状态 探索艺术家的识别过程, 重新定义, 并在本地和全球环境中成为自己, opening up perspectives into multiple states both geographic and emotional in a constant flux of social and cultural adaptations. 

“In 形成的状态, curator Fitsum Shebeshe contributes a significant and personal view of contemporary art of the African diaspora, and reasserts the importance of a curator’s lived experience in exhibition-making,雷诺·普罗奇说, ICI的执行 & 艺术总监. 


形成的状态 是由 国际独立策展人,纽约. 牵头资金由 Hartfield基金会 to support ICI’s commitment to new curatorial voices that will shape the future of the field and ICI’s Curatorial Intensive Alumni as they move through their careers. 形成的状态 is made possible with the generous support of ICI’s Board of Trustees and Inter国家 Forum. Crozier Fine Arts是首选的艺术物流合作伙伴. The McMullen Museum presentation has been organized in collaboration with faculty from 电子游戏软件’s 非洲和非洲侨民电子游戏正规平台项目. 电子游戏软件提供了额外的资金, 麦克马伦博物馆的赞助人, 还有63岁的罗伯特和91岁的安·玛丽·里尔登.

For information regarding McMullen Museum hours, programs, and events, visit